Are you already interested in angel energies and would like to experience an angelic healing?
Maybe you are just curious to experience a different kind of Reiki treatment?
Whatever your reason for choosing Angelic Reiki you can be sure it will be an uplifting experience.....
So What is Angelic Reiki?
​A gentle, powerful​​ way of healing working with the highest energies of the Angelic Realms providing healing and balance on all levels. It is a beautiful healing for consciousness expansion and transformation.
Angelic Reiki is influenced by both the Usui and Shamballa Reiki lineages and combines these with powerful angelic transmissions channelled by Kevin Core in 2002/3. It is a healing for our times.
What happens during an Angelic Reiki Treatment?
Your sessions take place in a peaceful, safe and supportive space and last about 45 minutes. At your first appointment I take your case history. Plenty of time is allowed at the start of each session for you to talk about how you feel if you wish. If you don't wish to talk, that is fine too. I use a treatment couch, or you can sit in a chair if you prefer.
When you arrive you need do nothing except relax and be open to receive the healing. I will place my hands gently
on your shoulders and create a healing space around us. The Reiki healing is channeled from the Angelic Realms without any interference from my own intention; in Angelic Reiki the healer has no personal responsibility for the healing.
Every treatment is unique. Afterwards we can discuss and share your experiences if you wish. If you want to keep it to yourself, that is fine too.
Angelic Reiki is £30 for a 45 minute appointment.
Who benefits from Angelic Reiki treatments?
Angelic Reiki is suitable for all and can be safely received alongside other therapies, and medical care. You choose how many sessions to have, and how often you want them, you are in charge. People with chronic conditions or women choosing to receive treatments during pregnancy may need, and choose, more treatments.