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Reflexology - Not just for Relaxation!

Reflexology can be deeply relaxing, and for many people that is why they like to receive it. Reflexology, though, is much, much more than just relaxation.

Like Acupuncture it works therapeutically to rebalance all of your body systems as well as your mind and emotions (but without the needles!).

My Reflexology is based on a wonderfully relaxing, but very powerful type of reflexology called Precision Reflexology. It works by tapping into the energy pathways of your body by ‘linking’ together reflexes and acupressure points and working on the ‘meridians’, or energy pathways or ‘channels’, of your body.

General benefits of Reflexology include improved mood, improved sleep, greater clarity of mind, reduction of pain and an increase in your sense of wellbeing. Most people report feeling happier and less stressed after receiving treatments. There are occasional adverse responses – called ‘healing responses’ following treatments, but these tend to be short-lived and progress to the increased sense of wellbeing most people report.

Professional reflexologists belong to a well-regarded professional body, such as the Association of Reflexologists, are fully insured and have to show evidence that they are continually learning and developing as a therapist.

A Reflexology treatment with me will leave you relaxed or ere-energised (whichever you need at the time) and rebalanced.

Why not book an appointment with me and give it a try?

Liz Flynn MAR*

of Mirasol Therapies

*Full member of the Association of Reflexologists

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